Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First point

That's pretty much all there is to say. Scored our first point post-surgery at Ultimate frisbee last night. Didn't do much else...

Discovered our big weakness, too. Got strength back... Got endurance back....

But we have a very slow reaction time.

Time to work on agility!

Friday, June 3, 2011

That was embarrassing...

We hadn't been wearing the knee brace at all in the last few years. Not a big fan of that chunky thing...

It never even occurred to us that ignoring the brace all this time would be a problem. The straps are numbered. How hard could it be to put it on? 1, 2, 3 ...

So we strapped it on how we thought it should be strapped on during our first game of Ultimate. Right away, the large gaps on each side of me where noticeable. Was the brace too small? Had I shrunk? How could that be??

Mireille played anyways but vowed to get the brace checked out right away. We can't play like this all season...

Called the store where the brace was purchased and we went in right away. The guy asked me to put on the brace.

I secured the first strap and the guy fixed it. Secured the second strap and the guy fixed it again... And so on! Mireille could see where this was going. In the end, the brace fit like a glove.

"It happens all the time."

Of course...